What exactly is the Immersion Program?

Imagine perfecting your French while at the same time studying God’s word, and plugging into ministry opportunities around Quebec: That is what our Immersion program is all about!  Not only will you be learning French alongside the advanced Language School Students – you will also be taking Bible Courses through our accredited Bible Institute. This program will immerse you in French and challenge you to grow in your faith through the Bible Classes. It’s the best of both worlds!

Immersion program

For the Fall Semester :

Tuition Bible school and Langage school (books included) $5,090
Room and board  (internet, laundry included) $3,645
Student activities, yearbook & graduation fees $306,25
Total cost for student $9,041,25


Explanation of fees

 The fees for the year are divided into two parts corresponding with the two school semesters (fall, winter/spring). The amounts per semester are not equal.  There is no charge for room and board for the four weeks of summer ministry internship.
You will receive a reduction of price if you pay with cash, check, bank transfer, or email.
A $80 non-refundable application fee must be sent with application; $180 if you are a foreign student.

Supplementary fees

The cost of the Intercultural Internship depends on the destination. Each student will be responsible for raising the necessary support for the trip.

Payment Policy

All fees are payable at the beginning of each semester, September, January. All fees are payable in Canadian funds and cheques are payable to “Parole de Vie Quebec”. We also accept payment by debit card and cash. As a missions organization, Parole de ie Quebec does not have the financial means to act as a bank accepting student credit and charging interest. Thus, in the case of a student who cannot pay their bill before the end of the session, Parole de Vie Quebec reserves the right to not readmit him or her to the next session.

Medical Insurance

Students from outside Quebec: Every student at Parole de Vie must have medical insurance. Students from outside Quebec are responsible to ensure that their province’s or country’s medical insurance is valid during their studies in Quebec. If it is not, they must purchase medical insurance that will cover them during their studies here. For those who need to purchase medical insurance, the school can recommend providers.


A hybrid between our Language School, and our Bible Institute, the Immersion students take part in a combination of Language school classes (intermediate-advanced) and Bible Institute classes.

During the fall semester, students will receive ten hours of language training per week while also taking selected Bible Institute courses. Bible Institute assignments may be done in English. During the winter semester, students will participate fully in the Bible Institute program with an additional five hours per week of language study. Most assignments will be done in French. There are also opportunities to participate in ministry outings on weekends and the different ministries that happen on campus.

Click on the tabs to find out more.

"Spending a year at PDV taught me that God takes care of me
wherever I am. I started out my year at PDV with a little high
school French knowledge. For the first month I could pick out
two or three words. By the end of the program, I was writing
2000 word essays and having long spiritual conversations
with ease! The tight-knit community at PDV helped me to
transition easily into the culture of Québec in the midst of
the rigorous learning process.” Hannah

Read more testimonies



Develop life-long friendships as you live in the dorm alongside the French Bible Institute students and grow in your French language ability and your relationship with God! Dorm wide devotions, banquets and special student outings throughout the year provide fun and full French immersion experiences.  The program is intense and stretching, but for those who stay the course, the rewards are endless. By the end of the year you will transition from mostly French Classes to complete immersion in our Bible Institute Classes.




Counselling at snow camp, running games at a youth group, preparing meals and sharing your faith with college students, or playing music at chapel – we will plug you into ministry all year long. Take what you are learning in French and the Bible and put it into practice outside the classroom through hands-on ministry experiences that will challenge you and develop your God-given spiritual gifts.




Each student in our Bible Institute meets one-on-one with a staff member to talk about life and experiences while learning at our Bible Institute. Our goal with this time is not just to help you process the work, and what you are learning – but to also help you grow in your faith on a personal level. We love and invest in all our students, customizing the discipleship time to your specific needs – all so you can better serve God with their lives.

Ready for your immersion experience?Apply now!